I'm very particular with my showers. I don't like a cold shower or a shower that's as hot as hell fire. And when it comes to cleansing my body I never do baths. A bath is for relaxing in my mind. However, when I have my shower just right, it leaves me feeling excellent. So, here's how I get my morning shower perfect.

Before I jump in I wash my face with any every day soap, brush my hair and brush my teeth, I do this while the water is warming up. When I get in the first thing I do is wet my hair to get it out of my face and begin deep cleansing with this Tea Tree facial scrub. I seriously adore any kind of scrub, face or body and this is one of my favourites for every day use. The scent is just so fresh it's perfect for morning use as it really wakes you up instantly. The cleansing beads in it are wonderful too, there's just the right amount and they're not too harsh on the skin as something such as a salt scrub would be. It does a great job of removing excess oils and dead skin from the face thus making your skin feel super healthy.
When I've rinsed this off after a good scrub with it, I go ahead and use this body mud. I have fallen so hard for this this autumn. It's been in the bathroom for years now, in fact i'm pretty sure Boots don't even sell 'the SPA' range anymore but it still smells good and it hasn't gone off, so I'll still use it. Essentially this contains Pelan mud (whatever that is) and has vitamins, minerals and amino acids in it which leave your skin seriously soft and instantly toned. It has a clay like texture and takes a lot of work with the fingers to warm it through to create a kind of facial mask but it's well worth it. I apply this and leave it for about 10-15 minutes while I wash the rest of my body.

Next I go ahead and start washing my body. Lately I have been using this Sanctuary Spa foaming shower mousse. I don't think that this is the most amazing product in the world to be fair. I received this as a gift and was thrilled as I've heard pretty good things about Sanctuary Spa yet unfortunately I was disappointed. I don't think this is to be any way reflecting to the brand itself, I think it's just the concept of a shower mousse that I don't get on with. While the scent is beautiful and zesty it takes a lot of this product to thoroughly wash the body with. About three pumps of this will do one arm. Saying that however I have used this about four or five times now and still have over half a bottle left, also the pump that delivers the foam is super handy as I hate trying to open bottles with wet hands. I think I've been using this product for the sake of finishing it and getting rid of it as I hate wasting things, especially things that were thoughtful gifts.

Next I go ahead and wash my hair. I don't generally buy specific shampoo's as I live with three other people and there's always shampoo lying around. At the moment the shampoo I've been using is this Palmolive anti-dandruff shampoo with wild mint and sea minerals. Essentially this smells like head and shoulders and cleans the hair so, as far as shampoo goes, this is alright. I wouldn't go out and buy this myself though as I find it makes my hair feel a little brittle towards the ends and I don't like to use conditioner every time I wash my hair but when using this shampoo I do have to.

When using this I do the typical 'lather, rinse, repeat' scenario. I always use shampoo twice as someone once explained it to me like this. The first time you shampoo you're breaking down the dirt that lies in your hair then the second time you shampoo you're actually removing that dirt. Weather this is true or not I have no idea, however, having dirty hair is not a chance worth taking. It's better to be thorough. After rinsing this out I go ahead and grab my conditioner. Right now I'm using a Tesco's own brand 'Pro Formula' conditioner.
This is a conditioner that gives best results to dry or damaged hair which is great for me as I tend to have mistreat my hair in the past with excessive dying. This conditioner contains keratin and Argan oil which, although I don't know the science behind them, leave the hair feeling absolutely amazing. I've had great experiences with Argan oils before and my heat protector has keratin in it as well, so combined they really do make my hair feel not just silky soft and smooth, but really well fixed and healthy. This conditioner is perfect for someone with a smaller budget as well as it's usually under the £3 mark which is a great deal for such a big bottle. The packaging doesn't thrill me which is a shame as I like things to look nice on my bathroom shelving. Maybe that's just me being picky. Overall I've found this conditioner to be pretty great however it does come second to the TresemmĂ© cleanse and replenish conditioner mentioned in my empties blog post. Once I've left this to sit for about 3-5 minutes I rinse it out.

I then spray a fair bit of this Herbal Essences 'bee strong' strengthening cream in to the middle section and ends of my hair. This is basically a leave in conditioner that helps repair the hair while leaving it looking shiny and feeling soft to the touch. I'm really liking using this as my hair feels all the better for it. The scent to the 'bee strong' range is beautiful as well. It's really sweet as you'd expect with a honey based product. I apply this to wet hair and run it through with my fingers or a wide toothed comb to ensure it is evenly distributed.

Once that's done I then wrap my hair up in a towel in the classic 'turban' manner and get out of the shower. I pat myself dry with a towel before applying a moisturiser. The one I've been using recently is this Calcot Manor 'the lazy evening moisture soufflé'.
I've had quite a few things from Calcot Manor, including a salt scrub and a bath soak and I absolutely love it. I think it's pretty much a rip off of Sanctuary Spa what with the colour scheme and whatnot. However it's affordable and decent quality when it comes to the actual products. The calcot manor range do two scents as far as I'm aware. One is quite a floral sweet scent with tones of rose and fruit, but the one I love and am using is more of a zesty fresh scent, quite like that of Sanctuary Spa. This moisturiser is really really really nice on the skin. It soaks in quite fast and a little bit goes a very long way. Also what's best about it is that the scent sticks around for ages. I find myself sniffing my arms and hands quite a lot after using this, potentially making myself look like a complete loon but hey, who cares right?
So there's my morning shower routine. After all this I then get dressed, slap some make up on and get on with my day feeling wide awake and ready for life's little tricks and trials. I hope you enjoyed reading this. Let me know in the comment section below if you have any questions or suggestions on what to blog about.
Next on my Christmas wish list is this.
I loved chiffon blouses last year and I think it's something I will be into again this winter. I love the colour of this and the lace detailing on the shoulders is beautiful. The contrast of deep purple to an almost gold cream is sensational. I love the classy side to shirts like these and think they're perfect for family occasions or night's out as they're just so smart with the right things. This is for sale at £7 at Tesco right now. Absolute bargain. I love it!
Love, G x
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