So I decided to start a new blog. There's a few reasons behind why I stopped writing my old one so quickly and I feel as though I owe an explanation to anyone who (god forbid) used to read my old one. So here it is.
- Firstly, my job quickly affected my reliability of writing in my old blog. Having non-set work shifts meant I couldn't promise a new blog on a certain day. It also meant some weeks I couldn't find anything to write about, having had no time to think about anything other than the price of smoked haddock fillets.
- Secondly, about half way through my old blog posts on 'life through light eyes', some really dramatic stuff happened in my life, which I wont go in to, but basically some stupid decisions made me lose some really important people whom I still owe apologies to. Also some things happened that were/are inevitable to happen, no matter how desperate we don't want them to.
- Also, I started losing passion with the blog. I didn't know what to write about most days so I just didn't bother. I was worried about what people were saying about my blog that I didn't know about and that really did affect me then, which is silly because I never had any bad feedback about it.
- And finally, my whole frame of mind over every single thing in my life, not just my old blog, was completely out of whack those few months ago. When everything comes falling on top of us for whatever reasons and fault regardless, I believe how we handle those definite moments really does make or break us. I'm happy to say, those moments made me and now I feel about 5000% better and eased about writing a new blog.
So, spoilers..
To come with White Metal Owls (so named for my love of white metal, and owls - creative, I know) will be a world of excitement and thrill!
No. Not really. It'll just be an insecure young adult trying to put something she is passionate about into the world. And if anyone is genuinely interested in what I think of beauty and materialistic things then that is superb. If this blog bring any shred of help or advice or even a laugh or two, to just one single person then trust me, it will be well worth it.
Although, I'm making no promises on writing daily this time. I'll show up as and when I can, k??
Love. G x
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