Saturday, 7 September 2013


Well it would appear I have been missing from the blogging world for quite some time now. I'd just like to announce that I haven't yet died I've just been super busy with work, having a week off and then more more more work.
I felt it necessary to explain my solidarity refined actions to you and also give you a little insight in to what to expect from me within the next few months. I've had some ideas you see!
Hopefully this should all be occurring...
  • Monthly favourites as of February 1st 2014 (I know it's a long way to go but bear with me).
  • My Halloween costume/ makeup tutorial.
  • My daily makeup/ hair styling routine.
  • A collective haul from the last few months or upcoming months.
  • Makeover Essentials review (I got freebies yay!!).
  • What's in my makeup bag?
  • What's in my travelling makeup bag?
  • Work/School/College makeup tutorial.
  • Christmas specials month throughout December. (As appose to what, March?).
So yeah, I would actually love to hear from you if there's anything you want me to write about. Your suggestions are always welcome in my houseylaptoppym'bobby. Also, I've decided to start a wish list where at the end of every blog post I will add one extra thing I desire in the hope that I will remember it is there and by the time Christmas comes around I will actually be able to tell my mum what I want. As I am silly and always leave it until the last minute to decide what I want.
But not this post though, today I just want you to enjoy this picture of this ickle fox. I love foxes me.

Love G, x